Book Chapters
- Asianizing Asian Cities: Spatial Stories, Local Voices, and Emerging Trans-localities, in Transforming Asian Cities: Intellectual Impasse, Asianizing Space, and Emerging Translocalities, Nihal Perera and Wing-Shing Tang, eds.: 243-61. Routledge, 2013
- Critical Vernacularism: Multiple roots, Cascades of Thought, and the Local Production of Architecture, in Transforming Asian Cities, Perera and Tang, eds.: 78-93. Routledge, 2013
- In Search of Asian Urbanisms: Limited Visibility and Intellectual Impasse, (with Tang) in Transforming Asian Cities, Perera and Tang, eds.: 1-20. Routledge. 2013
- When Planning Ideas Land: Mahaweli’s People-Centered Approach, inCrossing Borders: International Exchanges and Planning Practices, Patsy Healey and Robert Upton, eds.: 141-72. Routledge, 2010
- Rebuilding Lives, Undermining Oppositions: Spaces of War and Peace in Sri Lanka In Spatializing Politics: Culture and Geography in Postcolonial Sri Lanka, Cathrine Brun, Tariq Jazeel, eds.: 168-93. Sage, 2009
- Chandigarh: India’s Modernist Experiment, in Planning Twentieth-Century Capital Cities, David Gordon, ed.: 226-36. London: Routledge, 2006
- The Making of a National Capital: Conflicts, Contradictions, and Contestations in Sri Jayawardhanapura, in National Symbols, Fractured Identities: Contesting the National Narrative, Michael Geisler, ed.: 241-272. Middlebury, VT: Middlebury College Press, 2005
- Feminizing the City: Gender and Space in Colonial Colombo.In Trans-Status Subjects: Genders in the Globalization of South and Southeast Asia, Sonita Sarker and Esha Niyogi De, eds.: 67-87. Duke University Press, 2002
See Publications list at
Refereed Journal Articles
- The Planners’ City: The Construction of Town-Planning Perception of Colombo Environment and Planning A 40/ 1 (January 2008): 57-73.
- Importing Problems: The Impact of a Housing Ordinance on Colombo Arab World Geographer, 8, 1-2 (Summer 2005): 61-76.
- Contesting Visions: Hybridity, Liminality, and Authorship of the Chandigarh Plan Planning Perspectives 19, 2 (April 2004): 179-203.
- Indigenising the Colonial City: Late 19 -Century Colombo and Its Landscape, Urban Studies 39, 9 (2002): 1703-21
- Globalization from Asian Locality: The Construction of Post-Tsunami Kalametiya Social Science Journal of Hong Kong 63, 2 (2013)
- Competing Futures: Legibility, Resistance, and the Redevelopment of Dharavi Journal of Localitology 8 (October 2012): 113-44.
- Critical Vernacularism: A Locally Produced Global Difference Journal of Architectural Education 63, 2 (2010)
- Asian Urbanization and Planning: Viewing the Production of Space from the Spaces of Production Bhumi 1, 2 (2010 December): 1-24.
- People’s Spaces: Familiarization, Subject Formation, and Emergent Spaces in Colombo Planning Theory 8, 3 (2009): 50-74.
Work in Readers
Exploring Colombo: The Relevance of a Knowledge of New York?, in The Global Cities Reader, Neil Brenner and Roger Keil, eds.: 339-45. New York: Routledge, 2006
Other Significant Publications:
- Book Review: Chengri Ding and Yan Song eds.: Emerging Land and Housing Markets in China (Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2005), inJournal of Planning Education and Research 26, 1 (October 2006).
- Book Review: Ravi Kalia: Gandhinagar: Building National Identity in Postcolonial India (University of South Carolina Press, 2004), in Urban Studies 43, 7 (June 2006): 10-11.
- Book Review: Kumari Jayawardena, Nobodies to Somebodies: The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka (Zed Books, 2002) in American Historical Review 110, 1 (February 2005): 117-8.
- Making Asian Cities Livable: The Kyeonggi Plan and Other Experiences WLCF2003 in The Transformation of the 21 & Life-Culture Salim; Special C Session: Life-Culture and Regional Development Planning: Making Gyeonggi a Livable Place. Suwon: Kyonggi Research Institute, Kyonggi Cultural Foundation, Life-Cultural Study Institute, 133-147, 2003.
- Emerging Trends in Asia’s Planning and Urbanization. Proceedings: Seventh International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA): Creating Better Cities in the 21 Century :I104-I111. Hanoi: Hanoi Architectural University, 2003.
- Unsettled in a Settlement in Shanghai, in BIGsmall Project, Wes Janz and David Stairs, eds.: 16-7. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 2011
- New Directions in Urbanism and Planning in Asia, in The Transforming Asian City: Innovative Urban and Planning Practices Conference Proceedings, Nihal Perera and Wing-Shing Tang, eds.: 116-133. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 2007
- The Transforming Asian City: Innovative Urban and Planning Practices in Asia, in The Transforming Asian City, Conference Proceedings, Perera and Tang, eds.: 1-6. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 2007
- Combining History and Future: Continuity and Change in Kandy, Sri Lanka, International Conference on Traditional Temple Architecture Conservation, Conference Proceedings: 19-36. Tainan City: Taipei University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2007
- Book Review, Bishwapriya Sanyal, ed.: Comparative Planning Cultures (Routledge, 2005), in Urban Geography 28, 7 (Oct-Nov. 2007).
- Accommodation, Contestation, Negotiation: The Construction of Urban Cultures and Spaces, Urban Imagination and Contemporary Art in the Public Sphere Proceedings of the Busan Biennale International Symposium: 49-60. Seoul: South Korea, 2006.